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Give your child the gift of success and personal growth by enrolling them in a camp that builds essential life skills, enhances confidence, and nurtures teamwork!

Develops Essential Life Skills

Our martial arts camp equips children with vital life skills such as resilience, perseverance, and self-discipline. Through engaging training sessions, kids learn to set and achieve goals, overcome challenges, and handle adversity, preparing them for success both on and off the mats.

Encourages Teamwork and Social Skills

In our supportive camp environment, children learn the value of teamwork, much like a wolf pack. They develop friendships and collaborative skills that enhance their social interactions, fostering a sense of community and belonging that is vital for their overall growth and success.

Builds Confidence and Self-Esteem

As children master new techniques and face challenges, they develop a sense of accomplishment that boosts their confidence. This newfound self-assurance empowers them to tackle obstacles in their lives with a positive mindset, helping them grow into strong, capable individuals.

Benefits of Martial Arts VS Other sports

Martial Arts
Focus on Personal Growth

Taekwondo helps you grow not just as a martial artist but as a person. It teaches you to set goals, build confidence, and develop important life skills.

Everyone Belongs

In Taekwondo, everyone is included, and each student learns at their own pace. This creates a friendly environment where everyone supports one another.

Enjoy the Journey

Taekwondo emphasizes the importance of learning and improving over just winning competitions. Students celebrate their progress and enjoy the training.

Supportive Coaching

Taekwondo instructors are dedicated to helping each student reach their full potential. They provide personalized guidance that encourages students to overcome their fears, push past their limits and develop essential life skills, such as confidence, resilience and focus, that extend far beyond the martial arts studio.

Builds Respect and Discipline

Taekwondo fosters a strong sense of respect, encouraging students to honor their instructors, parents, family, and teammates. This commitment is embodied in the phrase we demonstrate, "I shall respect my instructor, parents, family, teammates, and most of all myself." Such values create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Discipline is cultivated through consistent practice, helping students focus and commit to their goals. These qualities empower them to face challenges with confidence and integrity, both on and off the mat.

traditional sports
Less Focus on Personal Growth

Many sports prioritize winning over helping individuals grow, often missing out on teaching important life skills like resilience and teamwork.

Feeling Left Out

In team sports, some players may not get enough playtime or attention, which can make them feel excluded and less excited about participating.

Winning Comes First

A strong focus on winning can take away the fun of playing, leading to unhealthy competition and forgetting the importance of supporting each other.

Generic Coaching

In team settings, coaches may not give enough individual attention, making it hard for everyone to develop their unique skills.

Respect and Discipline May Not Be a Central Focus

In traditional sports, the primary focus is often on competition and physical performance. While these are important aspects of athletic development, core values like respect and discipline may not always receive the same emphasis. Without consistent reinforcement, athletes may have fewer opportunities to cultivate these qualities, which are essential both on and off the field. Unlike activities that actively integrate these values into training, traditional sports may not always highlight them as key components of personal growth.


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what people In ottawa say

I can’t say enough good things about Master Radomir and Master Campbell. Our twin boys have been going to Capital TKD for a couple of years and have learned a tremendous amount both physically and psychologically. As a psychiatrist, I can see the resilience training that Master Radomir is imparting to all of his students, encouraging them in many different ways, including through humor, and metaphors to think about mental discipline and focus, as well as so many creative ways to move the body physically. He is no “ordinary” TKD master. He himself at least was (and perhaps still is) a world class athlete though he rarely talks about this - but you can see it in how he trains his students. Our kids keep exclaiming “how is he so good ?!?!” He can be firm and demanding (which I like) but it’s clear it comes from a genuine caring for his students and sincere interest in pushing his students to be their best. Master Beth is amazing too. Our kids call her “super soldier serum lady” because of her high physical demands for students and her peculiar preoccupation with jumping jacks. I believe it’s very good to see kids advance there over the years based on merit and hard work - irrespective of gender, race, or other traits. Many times women/girls are helping to lead/teach classes because it’s clear some have put in the work to hone their craft and are rewarded for this. Kids see females (as well as males) in leadership positions there based on merit. We also see students from many different backgrounds, none of which matters when training starts. The only thing that matters is the color of the belt and the work behind that. This is an important kind of world for kids to see, particularly in this day and age. Overall we have been so pleased with this program and thankfully our kids have really enjoyed it too.

Elliott Lee

Capital TKD transformed my son into a capable young man with integrity, self-control, respect, perseverance, and indomitable spirit. Master Radomir is focused on the child's physical and mental development. He is entirely preoccupied with their training and there are no easy belts given way. Each athlete earns their rank. Master Rad is tough, yet cares about each and every student in his studio. The school fosters equity, diversity and inclusion, offering equal opportunity to all genders and cultures. I have seen some amazing young women become strong, confident athletes. Built from humble roots and true dedication to the sport, this family business has made our family (and many others) members of their TKD family. The opportunities to train with world-class coaches is one of the best blessings of our lives.

Azaad Kassam

My son started right before Covid hit, and loves it.  He wishes he could go 5x/week.  They were extremely responsible and adaptable during Covid and continue to ensure a healthy, safe environment for training.  All instructors, but specifically Sir is so great with kids of all ages, demanding respect and effort while making it so fun! My son usually comes out of class sweating! We love it here and recommend it to anyone who is looking to try TKD!

Rachelle Polak

My son simply loves this place and Master Radomir! While having so much fun, they learn how to respect their coach as well as some amazing skills and techniques.Very well organized team and super clean environment!

Vladimir Nikolic

Amazing, family friendly and clean taekwondo school. Taekwondo truly is a wonderful martial art to practice!

Aus Esp

I couldn't possibly say enough positive things about Master Radomir, Master Beth, and everyone involved in running this wonderful Taekwondo school. What started for my family as a fun birthday party organized by one of my daughter's friends has turned into a journey of self-improvement that I hope will be life-long for myself and my children.Master Radomir shows so much kindness, caring and patience with his students, and it reflects in the behavior in the senior students at the school. You won't find a more welcoming environment in which to study the practice of Taekwondo, or a more knowledgeable instructor. The last two years have been particularly difficult for us all, but through it all the wonderful people at CTA have tried to keep us fit in both body and mind, and have done their utmost to continue with some level of pattern and normality through these challenging times.I highly recommend this school if you are interested in martial arts for yourself or your child.

Ed Duncan

Family friendly, professional staff, clean and safe environment. The top notch taekwondo academy. Master Radomir and Master Campbell are incredible instructors and treat everybody with respect and kindness. We couldn't be happier with the classes our daughter takes. Our child has learned not only Taekwondo, but also about discipline, commitment, confidence and respect for one another. Highly recommend this place!

S Veljko

Master Radomir is an outstanding coach and he makes sure every kid receives guidance and quality of training during every class. You will not see kids teaching in this club, the sessions are guided by taekwondo Masters.My daughter transitioned from another club, and it is clear the level of improvement as a result of great coaching and hard work. I highly recommend this Martial Arts club, as is a one only opportunity for kids to get such professional coach with the guidance of Master Radomir and his team of professionals that are truly knowledgeable (Olympic taekwondo) and care about deep learning.

lethania martinez

My son has been attending this school for just over a year and I have nothing but good things to say. The administration is extremely organized, the instructors are great with the kids and do an amazing job at keeping it fun, and the facilities (after recent renovations) are great. During the Covid-19 restrictions they were very quick to adapt and accommodate all their students by providing virtual classes at various levels. I would highly recommend this school to anyone.

Amy Popowych

I signed my son up for classes with Capital Taekwondo because he was struggling with his mental health and knew the principles of martial arts focus on respect, discipline and confidence - for others, but more importantly for oneself. Master Radomir is a great teacher of these core values. He's firm, but it comes from a genuine place. He challenges the children to be their best, do their best, and expects nothing less - as the children themselves shouldn't either (as he's says). Some of his classes have actually had me on the verge of tears by the power of his messages. He's very inspiring.The business is family run and I've had nothing but positive experiences, even from the administrative side. Iva has been a pleasure to work with and has been very understanding of situations that have led to our temporary withdrawal from classes. I would recommend Capital Taekwondo to anyone and will return when the time is right! Thank you :)

Sheri Thomson

My son and daughter are with Capital Taekwondo for a few years. Master Radomir is so great!  When the class ends the kids would be so sweaty and happy!The place just got renovated so much bigger, and more room for training. I highly recommend Capital Taekwondo!! Thank you Master Radomir!

Hao Green

After training at various Martial arts academies around town, I can firmly attest that Capital Taekwondo Martial Arts Academy is, by far, the BEST. Master Radomir's professionalism and knowledge are superior and the quality of the training as well as the way the academy is managed are commendable. Thank you for making me work hard every time. I REALLY appreciate it. Keep up the EXCELLENT service.

Hassan Markad

Both of my boys are proud members of Capital TKD.  Master Radomir and Master Campbell are very committed instructors in their pursuit of TKD excellence for their students. TKD keeps my boys active and also gives them a sense of belonging. Capital TKD was also able to quickly pivot to online classes during the current  pandemic crisis which has been a huge blessing for maintaining routine and fitness.Update July 13: Back to in person classes today.  They've taken every precaution. My sons felt comfortable , safe and were quite happy to be back in the Dojang.  Excellent job Capital TKD!

Franca Mirella

My son has taken Taekwondo classes at Capital Taekwondo Martial Arts for over two years now. He made friends and had a lot of fun there. Master Radomir teaches him not only Taekwondo techniques, but also courtesy, discipline and self-control. I would highly recommend this place.

Julia Zhu


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Common Questions

What will my child's day look like in camp?

Daily Schedule:
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM: Drop-off and welcome activities
    Parents drop off their children for icebreakers, team-building, and morning stretches.

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM: Morning snack

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Morning taekwondo class
    Warm-ups, stretching, fitness drills, and conditioning exercises for strength and flexibility.

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM: Free play, creativity, and recreation
    Puzzles, arts & crafts, board games, fort building, etc.

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Lunch

12:15 PM - 1:30 PM: Outdoor adventures (weather permitting)
    Park excursions, various sports activities, nature exploring, fitness challenges, etc.

1:30PM - 2:00 PM: Martial Arts Mindset Class
    Focus: 5 Tenets of Taekwondo
    Daily session on courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM: Afternoon snack

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM: Afternoon taekwondo class
    Detailed instruction and practice of traditional taekwondo patterns, practical self-defense techniques, and fitness training.

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM: Free play, creativity, and recreation
    Puzzles, arts & crafts, board games, fort building, etc.

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Pick-up
    Parents pick up their children, and campers participate in transition activities.

What age group is the camp designed for?

Our camps cater to children between the ages of 4 and 12.

Is prior martial arts experience required?

No prior martial arts experience is necessary. Our camps are open to children of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.

What are the camp hours and structure?

Camps run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Before and after care options may be available, depending on demand.

What activities are included in the camp?

Our camps offer a variety of fun and engaging activities, including martial arts training, games, arts and crafts, and outdoor adventures, ensuring an enriching experience for all participants.

What should my child bring to camp?

Please ensure your child is equipped with a packed lunch, snacks, water, appropriate outdoor gear, and any necessary weather-specific items (e.g., sunscreen).

Is there a focus on character development?

Absolutely. Our camps place a strong emphasis on core values such as respect, courtesy, discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, fostering both physical and personal growth.

What is the camp's refund or cancellation policy?

Camps are non-refundable unless a life-threatening illness, confirmed by a physician's note, prevents the child from attending. In such cases, a full refund will be provided.

Do you offer community service hours for teenagers?

Yes, we welcome high school students to volunteer at our camps, allowing them to fulfill their community service hours while gaining valuable experience.

Have Questions?